Monday 20 May 2013


Make a change, make a difference. 

The problem is that leather industry comes from animals. Animals suffer. They don't even choose it. They are left choice-less. I consider it as animal abuse and so should you. 3 million kangaroo skins are exported from Australia every single year for leather industry. In the year of 2000, the UK formed 18.4 million sheepskins. As PETA said, “The European Union is the world's biggest importer of reptile skins. Between 2000 and 2005, it is estimated that 3.4 million lizards, 2.9 million crocodile and 3.4 million snake skins were brought into the EU.” Above two and a half million cattle were slaughtered in the UK in 2007. Animals are slaughtered for bags, shoes and other fashionable items made of their skin production. Also, leather is used for furniture found in homes such as couches. If this continues, soon enough, there will not be any food left. 

Leather is taken from cows, sheep, kangaroo, goats and more eatable animals. Also, the next generations won't be able to learn about animals such as alligators, crocodiles, toads, sharks, buffalos, eels, ostriches, lizards, snakes, salmon, seals, zebras, dolphins since all these animals are slaughtered to make leather. There will be no pets such as cats and dogs too. 

Fashion designer, Stella McCartney talks about the Leather Industry:

Animal slaughter for leather industry is relevant to all of us. This is because if animal slaughter continues then we won't have healthy food such as meat or chicken, which come from sheep, cows, goats and more eatable animals. This also means that we either won't survive or we'll most likely be diagnosed with a sickness like malnutrition. This affects a wider audience such as everyone in Qatar or even everyone in the world in the same way too, because if there is no healthy food, people will not be strong and imaginative so the world would be filled with sick people. Everyone will die faster and there will no longer be people. Plus, the world would be very old fashioned and basic due to no healthy food so nobody would have the strength or power to think. 

Products made of leather:

1) A very famous Celine bag   

 2) Well-known Christian Louboutin pumps

1)                                                 2)


·    Bags
·    Purses
·    Couches
·    Jackets
·    Pants
·    Shoes
·    High heels
·    Wallets
·    Belts
·    Sunglasses cases.

           All these items are made of leather. The big question is, where does leather come from? The producers don't randomly find leather on the ground and produce something with it. The animals suffer. They die just for us to be fashionable. They die because we, as a society, are greedy. We only care about ourselves.


Make a change, make a difference. 












Make a change, make a difference.


After reading the blog I created to help raise awareness for animals who are slaughtered for the leather industry, you are probably thinking, what do I do? How do I help the animals? Well, the answer is simpler than you thought.


Everytime you lay your eyes on a beautiful piece made of leather, think of the animals. Put the image of an animal getting slaughtered in your mind. I'm sure you won't want to buy the item anymore. In fact, you'd be disgusted!

If you don't know how slaughtered animals look like, feel free to visit my 'Photos' page on the right corner of this page!

The reason you aren't going to use leather anymore, is because animals are slaughtered for you to wear something fashionable. That doesn't mean you should buy wool or fur. Animals are slaughtered for fur and wool too.

Use non-harmful materials such as:

  • Bamboo

  • Cotton Flannel

  • Polyester Fleece

  • Synthetic Shearling


Make a change, make a difference. 

Hello all, please feel free to comment, ask questions, or discuss ideas in the comment section below.

I will reply to questions asked.


Make a change, make a difference.>.$product410x615$